Clips and Perl with Extensions (CAPE)
Latest version: 0.7.4 (Sun Apr 13 16:52:30 2003)

This page contains information about Clips And Perl with Extensions, or CAPE: a brief description of the system, and the instructions for downloading.

System Description

As its name suggests, CAPE is a combined programming environment which allows programs to be written in Clips, a forward-chaining rule-based system which was originally developed by NASA, and Perl.

Clips rules can call Perl code from either side (i.e. from either the "pattern" part, or the "action" part). Perl can add information to the Clips working memory, and can interact with objects defined using the Clips Object Oriented Language (COOL). CAPE provides mechanisms for switching information between the two programming systems, allowing the programmer to exploit the strengths of both.

The extensions include mechanisms to allow Clips programs to monitor and use Internet sockets. The demonstration applications within the distribution include a "toy" web server which shows how to configure CAPE so that an application can be accessed via the web.

The CAPE manual is available as postscript, and there is a paper describing cape.

Downloading CAPE

The latest version of CAPE is 0.7.4 (Sun Apr 13 16:52:30 2003). It is known to run on several flavours of UNIX: Solaris, Linux and FreeBSD.

It requires Clips Version 6.2, and Perl Version 5.004 or later. Perl is not included in the distribution, but is freely available from other sources (see the CAPE README file).

CAPE is released under the Gnu Public License (GPL), which means that there are few restrictions on your right to copy, modify and distribute it. The detailed license conditions are set out in the file GPL, which is included in the distribution.

I'd love to have time to work on CAPE, but it isn't going to happen any time soon (unless, of course, you want to pay for support on a commercial basis... if so, get in touch!)

However, I'm still keen to see it developed, and will do my best to support and encourage anyone who does want to use it.

So if you do (plan to) modify or extend CAPE, I'd ask you to tell me about it, and ideally send me your modifications so that I can try to include them in the main system (or at least alert you if there is a problem with doing so).

I'd like to know who has got a copy. I'd therefore I'd like you to tell me a little bit about yourself by filling in a simple form as you download the software.

If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions, please contact Robert Inder, preferably by sending email to